Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Question for The Blog

I've been trying to ignore the fact that Halloween is rapidly approaching, but I think I may have hit my limit with the church's Harvestween party scheduled for tomorrow.

I remember when I was growing up there were a lot of rules surrounding the Culture of the Costume. Rubber masks were the coolest, most everyone's costume was cheaply made, only boys could be something gross or scary, no one's costume was ever very scary. But I remember the chief, #1 cardinal rule of Halloween was that you absolutely, positively couldn't be what you were last year. So this year, when I asked Thomas what he wanted to be for Halloween and he answered "The Cat in The Hat", I balked. Sure you don't want to be a doctor? A fireman? Uncle Pete? No? The Cat in The Hat.

Really, it couldn't matter less to me--we still have the hat and necktie from last year and no one from church saw his costume last year. But I'm worried that when we go trick or treating someone will recognize the costume and say something. I'm not sure what I'm worried that they will say, and I doubt anyone will remember him from last year, but isn't this breaking some rule? Shouldn't he be something new? What would you do?


Anonymous said...

My kids have done this, and while at it seems weird to me, it was what they wanted, and they were happy, in the end.

Barbara said...

My third boy was the same calico cat two years in a row (ages three and four I think)-- his uncle's cat. Unfortunately he grew too much in between which resulted in me making a brand new identical costume. I guess I couldn't say "no" either.

Dawn said...

I see no problem!! Go forth and repeat.

Knittymama said...

Agree, especially when they are little. Little Man was a dragon three years in a row because he loved it. I think it's more when they hit the upper elementary grades that they start to be picky about it.

Swistle said...

I would totally let him. One of my sons wanted to be a rabbit, like, four years in a row, and at the time it was kind of "Er, are you sure?" but now it really is very funny to look at the pictures: he gets bigger and bigger but the costume stays the same.