Saturday, September 13, 2008


I thought I'd share some pictures of Henry. He's back up to his birth weight now--a whopping 3 lbs 9 oz.

They moved him into a "satellite nursery". Since he is stable they decided he could go to the Level II NICU and out of the Level III NICU. They needed to make room for more critically ill babies. It means we have to give up our private room and that instead of one nurse to two babies, Henry is sharing a nurse with two to three other babies. I miss the privacy of our single room. I miss it a lot. Henry is in a big room that can be divided by curtains. I'm not looking forward to teaching Henry how to breastfeed in such an open area! But I am happy that Henry is doing so well.


Striving Green said...

He's beautiful. You must be so proud!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... he so adorable!! He looks precious.

Angoraknitter said...

Oh he's so sweet! Looks to me like he's rooting there, doesn't it? Or is that just a yawn.

Think of it as a step closer to outta there, right?